The Oshman Firm

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Body

woman preparing to enjoy healthy lifestyle activitySpring has officially sprung – finally! Are you ready for the change-in-season? More importantly, is your body ready?

When we hear the term “spring cleaning,” we often consider that it’s time to tidy up our homes and/or vehicles, getting rid of old and unwanted junk. But what about our bodies? Specifically, our health?

According to a new study conducted by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, less than three percent of Americans meet the basic requirements that constitute a “healthy lifestyle.”

It’s time for change!


Spring Into A Healthier Lifestyle This Year

These five tips can help you “spring clean” your health, ultimately allowing you to feel better about yourself.  


Clear Out Your Medicine Cabinet

Start the spring cleaning process by clearing out your medicine cabinet.

Did You Know: Medicine should always be stored in cool, dry climates – not your bathroom.

Make sure to take note of expiration dates on all bottles and containers. You can also use your senses to test the medicine. If it looks off-color or has a bad odor – toss it! For example, when Aspirin becomes dated, it tends to smell like vinegar.

Clean Up Your Diet

Eating healthy can be difficult. One way to help ensure you’re appropriately fueling your body, is to add some color to your meals.

Now that spring is here, you have the perfect opportunity to take advantage of fresh produce, such as berries, artichokes and other mixed greens. You can also replace sugary beverages with water or unsweetened ice tea, as well as, substitute fried foods with grilled ones. Instead of salt, use fresh herbs for a bit of flavor.

Finally, consider cutting back on your portions. Sometimes, less is more. Eat slower, and make sure you’re actually hungry before consuming a snack.

Make Exercise a Priority

If you’ve fallen off the “New Year, New Me” bandwagon, and have been skipping the gym, now is the perfect time to get back into a routine.

It’s a proven fact that exercise can help boost energy, improve your sleep cycle, protect your bones and keep you healthy. Therefore, it’s not only important to find a workout regime, but a regime that specifically works for your needs.

From weight training to cardio, your options for staying active really are limitless. You don’t even have to belong to a gym to get in shape. You can go for a bike ride, find a park close by for jogging or do sit-ups and push-ups at home. Let those creative juices flow!

Schedule Any Appointments Needed

Have you been putting off a checkup with your family doctor? When’s the last time you went to the dentist, or had your eyes tested? Stay on top of your health by planning your schedule now.

Not only are these visits preventative measures to help ensure you are – and stay – healthy, but they also allow for ailments to be caught sooner rather than later. When detected early enough, the chance of the illness being treated successfully can increase.

Speak to your doctor to find out how often you need to be seen, and if there are any special appointments that need to be made (i.e. colonoscopy, mammogram, bone density screening, etc.). Don’t forget to stay up-to-date with these appointments.

Make Time for Yourself

How many hours a month do you spend relaxing, or doing something solely for yourself? One of the biggest components of living a healthy lifestyle is making time for YOU. This also happens to be an area most often skipped over.

Now that it’s spring, it’s important to step outside for some sunshine, or vitamin D. Of course, consult your doctor before doing so, as too much sun exposure can be hazardous to your health. However, the fresh air can help to brighten your mood, give you more energy and lower your blood pressure.

This spring, also make it a priority to handle your stress better. To accomplish this goal, try meditating, or, as previously mentioned, exercising. One of the best ways to de-stress, is to sweat it out.


Be proactive this spring by taking control of your health and body. Find techniques that work for you, stick to a routine and increase your quality of life.

Here’s to a happy and healthy spring, and a happy and healthy you!


Ted Oshman has been with The Oshman Firm since 1988 serving clients for over 25 years. Learn more about Ted's background and featured practice areas here.

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