The Oshman Firm


encephalopathy injury attorneysEncephalopathy is the medical term for any disease of the brain that results in altered brain function or structure. There are several causes to this condition, some of which may be attributable to another party’s negligence or wrongdoing. For example, encephalopathy may develop in a patient following a car accident or some other traumatic event. Encephalopathy may also result from birth injury or surgical error, when the oxygen supply to the patient’s brain is reduced or cut off. Additionally, a patient may develop encephalopathy after prolonged exposure to toxic elements in the workplace or other environment.

If you or a loved one has developed encephalopathy as a result of another party’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may have the legal right to seek compensation for your past and future damages. To learn more about your legal rights, please contact the qualified and experienced brain injury attorneys at The Oshman Firm.

Types of Encephalopathy

There are several types of encephalopathy, which vary by cause and consequences. Some examples of the types of encephalopathy are:

Symptoms of Encephalopathy

Many of the symptoms of encephalopathy are similar across the varying types. It is characterized typically by a decline in mental abilities and impairments in consciousness. Some of the symptoms of the disease can include:

Treatment of Encephalopathy

Treating encephalopathy depends on the underlying cause of the brain disease. In many cases, as with static encephalopathy, the brain damage is permanent and treatment aims at alleviating symptoms and helping a person to perform daily life tasks.

Treatment of encephalopathy can involve various forms of therapy, use of specialized assistive equipment, medications, surgery, specialized programs (i.e. for vision or speech), psychological counseling, special educational programs, and more.

Encephalopathy and the Law

If you or a loved one has developed encephalopathy as a result of traumatic injury, workplace exposure to toxins, surgical error, birth injury, defective drugs, or some other wrongdoing, you may be able to obtain compensation for your losses and suffering. To learn more about encephalopathy and your legal rights, please contact the caring and competent attorneys at The Oshman Firm for a free confidential consultation today.

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