The Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS) has been servicing the nation with high-quality, specialized, post-acute traumatic brain injury rehabilitation services for over 23 years. Their programs have provided treatment for more than 1,900 clients from 47 states. Locations in Irving, Texas and Bakersfield, Encino California.
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center serves active duty military, their dependents and veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) through state-of-the-art medical care, innovative clinical research initiatives, and educational programs.
Brain Injury Centre – Provides rehabilitation of acquired brain injury after accident or illness with a goal of promoting independence.
Head Injury Rehabilitation & Referral Services, Inc. (HIRRS) – Serves individuals with neurological impairments, specializing in brain injuries. Offers residential and outpatient programs, vocational training, life skills assistance, educational goals, and assistance in accessing community and medical resources. A non-profit agency located in Rockville, MD.
Community Transitions – Offers services which bridge the gap between traditional rehabilitation therapy and a successful return to community living. Includes cognitive training, daily living skills, vocational training, and counseling for people with brain injury. Located in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Crotched Mountain’s Adult Brain Injury Program – Provides extended rehabilitative services and individualized care to survivors of traumatic brain injury. Located in New Hampshire.
National Institutes of Health
Brain Injury Resource Center
Centre for Neuro Skills ®
Brain Injury Resource Foundation
Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Center
Brain Injury Association of America
National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Community Integration of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
Brain Injury Society
Brain A Journal of Neurology
If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) please contact us or complete our online case evaluation for a free consultation. You may have the right to seek compensation, let us help you and your family.