Causes of Congenital Cerebral Palsy

What Is The Cause Of Congenital Cerebral Palsy?

Cause of congenital cerebral palsy negligence
In most cases, congenital cerebral palsy is not caused by the parents actions, but rather a birth injury.

If you are a parent who has just been informed that your newly born child has congenital cerebral palsy, this diagnosis may come with a great deal of confusion. You may find yourself wondering if this was preventable, or if some unknown genetic factor was the cause of congenital cerebral palsy. It is common for parents in your situation to even fear that they did something to cause their child’s condition.

It is important to understand that in the majority of cases, congenital cerebral palsy is not caused by anything the parent did. While some cases of congenital cerebral palsy are the result of a neurological disorder or genetic factor, in many cases it is caused by birth injury that may be the result of medical negligence or improper care from your doctor or healthcare practitioner.

What Is Congenital Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a condition that adversely affects the brain development of an infant.

Congenital” is simply a word that indicates the cerebral palsy was caused by the child’s brain being affected either during pregnancy or during the birth process. It is the most common form of this disorder, accounting for between 85-90% of all cerebral palsy cases.

Possible Causes of Cerebral Palsy

It can be very difficult to identify the single cause of congenital cerebral palsy in your child’s case. However, the general causes of congenital cerebral palsy have been narrowed down to a few telling factors. By examining your and your child’s medical histories, it may be possible to ascertain what probably led to your child’s case of congenital cerebral palsy.

Possible causes include:

Oxygen deprivation

When the baby’s brain is deprived of oxygen, it interferes with the brain’s development. Oxygen deprivation may happen as a result of the uterus rupturing, the umbilical cord being wrapped around the baby, or the placenta becoming detached from the uterus.


When a baby’s mother contracts an infection or infectious disease like chicken pox, rubella or cytomegalovirus (CMV), as well as a high fever or urinary tract infection, this can substantially increase tiny proteins known as cytokines that lead to brain damage in the baby.

Incompatible blood types

When the mother’s blood type is incompatible with that of the fetus, it can lead to an Rh factor disease which, if not treated at the right time, increases the risk of cerebral palsy.

Trauma to the baby’s head during birth

If a baby’s airways become blocked during birth, if the baby is stuck in the birthing canal, or if a long or traumatic delivery causes trauma to the baby’s head, all of these things can cause damage to the baby’s brain.

What Can You Do?causes of cerebral palsy

In many cases, by having a healthy pregnancy and regular prenatal care, congenital cerebral palsy can be avoided if these potential causes are treated correctly and in the right time. If your child has been diagnosed with congenital cerebral palsy, it is important to quickly review your and your child’s medical history with an experienced birth injury lawyer to determine whether medical negligence is at fault in your child’s condition.

If there was medical malpractice, doctor or healthcare practitioner did not exercise proper care during your pregnancy or birthing process, you and your child are entitled to financial compensation that will ease the financial burden of your child’s future care.

At the law firm of The Oshman Firm, we understand how difficult it can be to process a diagnosis of congenital cerebral palsy. Our team of lawyers can advise you on your rights in the situation, guide you toward resources that will help you move forward, and connect you with medical experts who can help you create a plan for helping your child thrive.


Ted Oshman has been with The Oshman Firm since 1988 serving clients for over 25 years. Learn more about Ted's background and featured practice areas here.

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